What if? Jr Devotional


For ages 10-14

What If is a junior devotional filled with 100s of stories about people who lived during Bible times—those who were good, and those who were very bad. Read how their lives turned the tide of history for better or worse.



Have you ever wanted to escape? To get away from everything for a while? Here’s a daily mini vacation for you. Time Warp takes you back to the…well, to the past, and the future!

Break out your hiking shoes—you’ll be trekking through time and space to rendezvous with some famous people on significant dates in history. You’ll watch events unfold that impact your life today, even though they took place dozens, or even hundreds, of years ago. And (you guessed it!) there’s even a spiritual application tucked away in every experience you encounter. But make sure you don’t miss what’s scheduled for the future—because if you do, nothing in this book matters at all.

Additional information

Weight 1.22 lbs
Year Published


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