New Testament Bible Story Adventures


Teacher, Healer, Savior. King. Jesus is all of this to us and more! Take your children on an adventure of a lifetime as you journey through the New Testament. At the turning of every page, they will meet Jesus.


Teacher, Healer, Savior. King. Jesus is all of this to us and more! Take your children on an adventure of a lifetime as you journey through the New Testament. At the turning of every page, they will meet Jesus.

The expedition will begin with the Babe in the manger. Your children will be able to trace Jesus’ footsteps through His childhood and on to His baptism. The stories in this exploration will amaze your children. They will witness a raging storm become perfectly still in the time it took to speak a few words. Literally, people will come to life who were dead. When the blind open their eyes, the first face they see is the one of their Savior, looking on them with the warmth of His love. The deaf first hear the cadence of His compassionate voice.

Most importantly, your children will be able to encounter the incredible love that Jesus has for them. At the cross He gave up His life so His blood could cover their sins, and ours. From the tomb He rose triumphant so that one day death would be nevermore.

Allow Jesus to capture your children’s hearts. God has a plan for each of their lives. They will discover Jesus as their best friends. His love and power is the same today here on earth as when He touched peoples’ lives centuries ago. Using these stories, lead your children to invite Jesus into their hearts. To live with them.

ISBN: 978-1-5136-0136-6
Pages: 96, paperback
Dimensions: 8.125 x 10.625 x .25 inches

Table of Contents

  1. The Birth of Jesus
  2. Wise Men
  3. The Boy Jesus
  4. Baptism of Jesus
  5. We Have Found the Messiah
  6. Sermon on the Mount
  7. Calming the Storm
  8. Jairus’ daughter Raised
  9. “Lazarus, Come Forth!”
  1. Zacchaeus
  2. First Communion
  3. Judas Betrays Jesus
  4. In Pilate’s Judgment Hall
  5. Calvary
  6. In Joseph’s Tomb
  7. Jesus’ Resurrection
  8. Feed My Sheep

Additional information

Weight .125 lbs


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