Esther: A Star is Born


For ages 8-14

Hadassah was a show-stopping beauty, but her physical appearance was nothing compared to the beauty of her character—she was kind, humble, and devoted to the one true God. An inspiring and intriguing story of the young girl God chose to save her people from certain destruction. That girl would be Esther, Queen of Persia.


Hadassah was just sixteen when King Xerxes of Persia sent scouts looking through the empire for young women to join the king’s beauty contest. And then one day the scouts came for her. She was beautiful. She was kind and intelligent. She could read and write—a rare thing for a girl in her day. Her cousin Mordecai had warned her not to let anyone know she was Jewish. Many in the court despised the Jews, so Hadassah took the Persian name Esther, which means “star”.

And wonder of wonders, from among the hundreds of beautiful, talented contestants, the king picked her. Esther was chosen to be queen of the entire Persian Empire. But the God of her fathers had chosen her first “for such a time as this.” Esther would be the one who would save her people from destruction.

Bradley Booth has written an inspiring and intriguing story of the orphan Hadassah, who became a queen, whose beauty was evident in character and devotion to her people and the one true God.

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Weight 0.54 lbs
Year Published


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