Escape from Egypt


For ages 8-14

Come with Meshach as he and his Egyptian friend escape from Egypt through the towering walls of the parted Red Sea. Gather manna with them in the wilderness and hear God speak the Ten Commandments from Sinai. Both boys learn lessons of trust in God, and a toughness that would help them survive the greatest adventure of all.


The whole camp was in an uproar. It was like the world was coming to an end, and everybody knew it! Guards shouted excitedly, children ran in circles screaming. Men and boys rushed here and there with their ox goads and swords, bumping into one another, knocking each other over in the sand. Oxen, goats, and donkeys rushed in every direction.

Meshach was afraid. He didn’t know what to expect next, but he needn’t have worried. Somewhere in the confusion and noise of the moment a voice of strength calling out to the people. It was the voice of Moses.

“He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High can abide safely in the shadow of the Great I Am!” Moses voice boomed out. “Don’t worry, my people! Jehovah is our refuge and fortress. In Him we must trust! Let’s go now! Forward through the Red Sea!”

Additional information

Weight 0.55 lbs
Year Published


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