Dare to Stand Alone


For ages 12-adult

Dare to Stand Alone is a remarkable story about a young Seventh-day Adventist Christian in the Russian army who risked everything for God. Like the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace, he dared to stand alone.


In Communist Moldova religion was suppressed. Christians were forced to practice their faith secretly. Yet one teenage boy found the courage to stand up and speak boldly about his God. Not just to his friends in a private church meeting, but on a military base. In front of nearly 3,000 enlisted men and one colonel.

Foolish? Maybe. Risky? Definitely. In Dare to Stand Alone Ivan Gumenyuk determined to follow God’s calling, and right then God was calling him to be a missionary in the Soviet army. Like Daniel of old, Ivan faced trials that tested his faith to the limits. And, like Daniel, Ivan accomplished incredible things for God.

Additional information

Weight 0.48 lbs
Year Published


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